Anthony Robinson ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
"Boulder Run is an exhilarating, fast-paced board game that keeps you on the edge of your seat! The mechanics are easy to learn, but the strategy is deep enough to keep every playthrough exciting. The components are top-notch, and the theme of dodging rolling boulders adds a fun and unique twist. Perfect for game nights with friends or family. Highly recommend for anyone who loves adventure and suspense!"
Why Should You Care About Us
Hello and welcome Sharks! We have devolped a unique board game called
Boulder Run, But first lets start with the backstory. We come from a entrepenuarship class and LHP
and have made several products. We want to make the next sucssesful and we see it in Boulder Run. In
Boulder Run You pick a Patch to start one and try to escape the cave where the boulder is rolling
after you. You can either choose to be the boulder or to be the player. There can be up to 2
boulders per game ( 1 for each path), and if a player woild like to be a Boulder they can. We hope
you can help us succed in making Boulder run the next big game.